Friday, March 5, 2010
sleepin is for lovers
i hate when everyone leaves while ur sleeping and then you wake up... just saying. it's a weird feeling. i feel like i lost so many hours and i've missed so much... again just a really odd feeling. it throws me time all out of whack.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
blah blah blah
so now im kinda feeling alone. everyone is gone for spring break. im sitting here by myself. i smell like bread and i hate it. also since when do we get to not come in just cus our back hurts? ugh i was pissed bout that cus i never get to call out. anyway, i gotta clean but i prob won't and i have hw i could do but i prob won't lol. i still gotta fill out my housing paperwork. kinda bad i haven't done it yet. Im watching tv and there's a guy w/ a big furry cuff thing on his arm... people are so odd sometimes. k well i gotta go shower. im exhausted and stinky. bad combo. hope i get to see tijuana tonight too.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
i hate quizzes
So I'm sitting in computer art two bout to do a critique after everyone finishes the crazy hard quiz I just took. I hope mine doesn't get butchered. Also i don't understand the people who sit there and rack their brains to try to find an answer they don't know. just hand in ur test already! you don't know the answer! it's not going to just randomly pop into your brain! also i hope that matt doesn't want to be my friend just for physical reasons cus that is not gonna fly. i miss just talking to him but whatever if he doesn't want that then fine maybe it would be best if we weren't friends anymore... i really hope that's not the case cus I would be VERY sad but i mean life is life. i can't force things that aren't spose to happen you know? also my new computer is sitting in stephens house and i want it! i cannot wait to have a computer that doesn't look and weight like a brick and that is new, sleek, fast and just better lol. I can't complain though cus at least I had a computer. Well everyone is almost done. Time to go for now. i've got a looooooong day ahead of me and i've been putting off studying for my psyc exam. gotta get on that.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
at least its not raining

Is it sad that i find myself living vicariously (so spelled wrong) through my friends' lives? i mean the whole thing with tijuana and her mystery man (who's no mystery to me) but anyway... am i really able to offer advice? i know what i want her to do but do i only want her to do it because that's what I would do? Also when did this week get so busy? can't wait for spring break. i might get to see wolverine!!! :D anyway what else is there to say? you guys are kicking me in my blog butt. im not as blogg-y as i once was but i blame that on being busy. new computer soon! i forgot! maybe more blogging then? who knows. adios peeps.
p.s. this poster took me forever! grrr. i think it looks ok though
Sunday, February 21, 2010
why does the world care what i do?

im in a funk. work sucked. got off an hour late. people are lazy at work too and that drive me insane. you want to blame me for us running out of chicken? fine. idc. just do something about it. and jeff you wanna tell me how it's my fault for ruining my relationship w/ matt? then fine go ahead. i know who I am and i know what i've done so say whatever you want. I may be crumbling but I will never fall because I've got people to support me. There may not be a lot of them but what they lack in numbers they make up for in awesomeness :D
I just don't understand why other people find business that is not their own so interesting. Also i hate liars. if you're gonna lie to me save yourself the time and just tell me to my face. I'll prob hate you but at least i'll respect you.
k i've given up on writing this paper. time for a shower and bed i guess. not much left to say. night all.
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