im in a funk. work sucked. got off an hour late. people are lazy at work too and that drive me insane. you want to blame me for us running out of chicken? fine. idc. just do something about it. and jeff you wanna tell me how it's my fault for ruining my relationship w/ matt? then fine go ahead. i know who I am and i know what i've done so say whatever you want. I may be crumbling but I will never fall because I've got people to support me. There may not be a lot of them but what they lack in numbers they make up for in awesomeness :D
I just don't understand why other people find business that is not their own so interesting. Also i hate liars. if you're gonna lie to me save yourself the time and just tell me to my face. I'll prob hate you but at least i'll respect you.
k i've given up on writing this paper. time for a shower and bed i guess. not much left to say. night all.
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